Sripad Bhaktivedanta Siddhanti Maharaj was born in India, and has dedicated himself to celibate life in the service of his spiritual masters. For many years he has done special Seva (service) for his Spiritual Masters means Diksa and Siksa Gurus Sri Srimad Bhakti Pramode Puri Gosvami Maharaj, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaj and Sri Srimad Bhakti Vijnana Bharati Gosvami Maharaja.

Being very learned in the in- depth philosophy of scriptures, Maharaj was instructed by his spiritual masters to preach worldwide. He is given the Sannyasa order (life of renunciation), and now he is traveling all over world to inspire people on the path of Bhakti, loving devotional service to Bhagavan (God).

He is known for giving insight with indepth lectures about scriptures in a way that is very simple and understable.