Hare Krishna,
The goal for building this temple is to create an atmosphere which provides peace in human lives in this stormy world. the temple and the teachings will be a fundament of spreading the message of balanced social development.
We want to do this by personal, social development through religious and economic activities.
Providing free food, clothing, medicine to poor people and education for everybody is a long-term plan of the organization. Our temple will be serving human and animal society to life peacefully amongst each other.
We want to give development programs concerning material and spiritual needs, restore moral values in daily life and establish unity and peace in human society. We are preaching to students of schools, colleges and universities. To make them understand the values of human life and to prevent them from adopting intoxications in form of alcohol and drugs etc. And to facilitate them to practice spiritual knowledge and accepting good moral of life to build up a good and peaceful society. Furthermore we want to inspire people to respect all life forms on earth and try to create awareness so that people will become motivated to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle.
We protect animals and serve cows by propagating non violence against animals. We can all see that animals have feelings and relationships just like humans do. In the Vedic tradition, cows are worshipped as mothers. Just as a child feeds on the breast milk of the mother, human society takes milk from the cow. Thus we want to take special care of the cows.